This is a typical dilemma among homeowners. If you lost your keys, should you call a locksmith to do lock replacement or should you just get a replacement for your lost home keys? There are many factors that should be considered. There are advantages and disadvantages in either option.
Lock change as a solution to lost keys is a more secure option. This is because it prevents the possibility that the key you lost is used on your home without your knowledge. It also provides you the opportunity to assess the level of security your old lock offers. If you replace it, you should consider something that is better and more secure. On the other hand, changing your lock comes with the cost disadvantage. It is obviously going to cost you more compared to simply having your key replaced.
Advantage and Disadvantage of Key Replacement
The main advantage of plain key replacement is the cost. It is a way cheaper option. Also, it is a faster solution to lost home keys. You can simply ask a locksmith to produce a new key for your lock. However, the disadvantage is quite serious. You might be compromising your security by not having the lock itself changed. The key you lost might end up at the hands of someone who might use the key to burglarize your home.
Bottom Line
Your decision should be based on your circumstances. You can actually choose to have a simple key replacement without compromising your home's security. If a lock rekey is possible on the type of lock you have, you can just have it rekeyed or reconfigured to prevent the lost keys from being used again. Generally, though, a lock change is more preferable especially for locks on your home's entrance points and the gate. Simple key replacement is more suitable for locker, drawer, and cabinet locks. It is important to always consider the security consequences of the choice you make. If you are unsure with what to do, a locksmith Lake Forest professional will help you understand your options.